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吉他弹唱falling slowly

2018-5-24 02:15:20| 发布者: 吉他之家| 查看: 1683| 评论: 0

摘要: LYRICS:Idon'tknowyou,我不懂你ButIwantyou,但愿同你在一起Allthemoreforthat,分享生活的点点滴滴Wordsfallthroughme,找不到合适的话语形容Andalwaysfoolme,想说却总是词不达意AndIcan'treact,无可奈何无法回 ...


I don't know you,我不懂你

But I want you,但愿同你在一起

All the more for that,分享生活的点点滴滴

Words fall through me,找不到合适的话语形容

And always fool me,想说却总是词不达意

And I can't react,无可奈何无法回应

And games that never amount,这场爱会无疾而终吧

To more than they're meant,毫无意义

Will play themselves out,结束是或迟或早的问题

Take this sinking boat and point it home,搭乘这艘即将沉没的船缓缓归去

We've still got time,或许我们还有机会挽回

Raise your hopeful voice,you have a choice

你可以做出选择 让我听到你说愿意

You've made it now,但是我知道你心意已决

Falling slowly, eyes that know me,欲哭无泪 心如死灰

And I can't go back,我明白一切覆水难收

Moods that take me and erase me,悲伤将我吞噬

And I'm painted black,世界一片混沌

Well,You have suffered enough,在自我的内心斗争里

And warred with yourself,你也身心俱疲

It's time that you won,这次你也该赢了

Take this sinking boat and point it home,打成这搜快要沉没的船缓缓离去,We've still got time,我们还有时间挽回

Raise your hopeful voice,you had a choice,你可以选择 让我听到‘’我愿意”,You've made it now,可是你已经做好选择了

Falling slowly sing your melody,万念俱灰间慢慢的唱着你的旋律

I'll sing along,我也会附和你的歌声

Ah,ah~ Call and l'll sing along,只要你呼唤我 我便会附和你的声音



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