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【LostStars吉他谱】电影〈BeginAgain〉插曲《LostStars》吉他弹唱教学 ...

2019-3-3 23:47:20| 发布者: 吉他之家| 查看: 4632| 评论: 1|原创: 大树音乐

摘要: 吉他弹唱教学《Lost Stars》是美国男歌手亚当·莱文演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由格雷格·亚历山大、丹妮尔·布里瑟布瓦、尼克·拉什利和尼克·索思伍共同创作。该曲作为电影《再次出发之纽约遇见你》的主题曲,被收录在该 ...


《Lost Stars》是美国男歌手亚当·莱文演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由格雷格·亚历山大、丹妮尔·布里瑟布瓦、尼克·拉什利和尼克·索思伍共同创作。该曲作为电影《再次出发之纽约遇见你》的主题曲,被收录在该电影的原声专辑《Begin Again》中,后被收录到亚当·莱文所属乐队魔力红于2014年8月发行的录音室专辑《V》中。2015年1月15日,该曲获第87届奥斯卡金像奖“最佳原创歌曲”提名

《Lost Stars》Adam Levie-LIVE


Lost Stars - Keira Knightley

Please don't see

just a boy caught up in dreams

and fantasies

Please see me reaching out

for someone I can see

Take my hand let's see

where we wake up tomorrow

Best laid plans sometimes

it's just a one night stand

I'd be damned Cupid's demanding

back his arrow

So let's get drunk on our tears and

God, tell us the reason

youth is wasted on the young

It's hunting season

and this lamb is on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars,

trying to light up the dark?

Who are we?

Just a speck of dust within the galaxy

Woe is me if we're not careful

turns into reality

Don't you dare let all these memories

bring you sorrow

Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer

Turn the page maybe

we'll find a brand new ending

Where we're dancing in our tears and

God, tell us the reason youth

is wasted on the young

It's hunting season

and this lamb is on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars,

trying to light up the dark?

I thought I saw you out there crying

I thought I heard you call my name

I thought I heard you out there crying

Just the same

God, tell us the reason

youth is wasted on the young

It's hunting season

and this lamb is on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars,

trying to light up the dark?

But are we all lost stars,

trying to light up the dark?

吉他弹唱曲谱 @大树Roger


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